Online Classes

Classes are held online due to COVID-19.
If you are interested in online classes with Aida please email her at:


Levels are designed to offer the students a thorough understanding of the subject. Prolonged study and practice of each level insures steady progress in the art of Yoga.


A foundation to learn the whole scope and depth of the Iyengar yoga method. Standing postures, seated postures and basic supported inversions are introduced as well as relaxation postures.


Deeper and expanded study of standing postures, seated postures, basic supported inversions and back bends as well as basic Pranayama (yogic breathing) and relaxation postures are taught at this level.


A solid working knowledge of postures are Taught with regular practice of inversions and Back bends, supported and unsupported, as well as Pranayama (yogic breathing). Students at this level are highly encouraged to develop a consistent self-practice.

 Pre-registration is required for all classes.
For information fees and registration contact 818-452-5311 or email

Private tuition is available. Please contact for more information.

“Yoga teaches us to cure what need not be endured and endure what cannot be cured.”
B.K.S. Iyengar


  • Connect to the class a few minutes before, give yourself time to set up for class so you don’t miss any of your yoga practice.

  • Practice on an empty stomach, don’t eat 3hours before class, you may drink half an hour before.

  • Make sure to be hydrated before class. Water is contraindicated during practice.

  • Turn your cell phones off and leave them outside the practice room.

  • Wear comfortable and modest clothing. Let the teacher know if you are pregnant or on your monthly cycle before starting the class.

  • Please advise your teacher before attending class if you have any significant health issues, (surgeries, injuries, high blood pressure etc.)